The BioSanctuary

The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Medical Model

The Mindful Ascension/Super Consciousness Tools and Treatments have been added in an optional addition week into The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Medical Model has 

The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Integrated Biological & Energy Holistic Medicine Medical Model


genita mason holistic health retreat

(The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Medical Model was developed over 17 years of clinical practice by medical maverick, Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC – above she is accepting her award for her Biological Medicine Health Care model)

The Biosanctuary is the home of Genita M. Mason’s award-winning Integrated Biological & Energy Medicine Medical Model where state-of-the-art alternative medicine technology is provided right alongside the very best of Energy Medicine through Shamans, Reiki Masters, Pulse Electrical Magnetic Frequency, BioPhoton Light, Electrical Frequency Stimulation, Sound, and Frequency treatments.  The aim of the Biosanctuary is curing and preventing disease by stopping and reversing the 8 root causes of all diseases.

How The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Medical Model Achieves Total Health Optimization Including Spiritual Consciousness Raising

The BioSource Medical Model also promotes Mindful Ascension / Super Consciousness because when working with the “field” toward physical healing, consciousness must be addressed and elevated.  This is done through first Heart / Brain Coherence, then a number of practices including certain frequencies applied to the brain, meditation, fasting, and sacred planet medicines.

The root causes of all diseases are well defined in her article published by the BioRegulatory Medicine Magazine — The 8 Root Causes of Disease and the Path Back to Health and are addressed simultaneously in a stack of high-tech and ancient medicine treatments in the 7-day intensive health retreat The Biosanctuary facilitates.

The treatments in the medical model work synergistically, crosslinking each of the

other’s medical efficacy to accomplish the goals  of removing the bioaccumulation and formation of the below 8 causes of disease below:

Oxidative Stress

Deep Detoxification treatments

Toxic Colon



Low Transmembrane Voltage


The Gases: Oxygen and Hydrogen Deficiency


  • Healing and correcting the microbiome for maximum digestion
  • Ancient organic superfoods
  • Orthomolecular Rehabilitation
  • Parental Vitamin / Mineral IVs
  • All organic food, juices and smoothies


Sunlight Deficiency

Read more and watch the video where Genita Mason explains the BioSource Medical Model 

Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC has accumulated 2 Medical Awards and 20 years of significant achievements – learn more about her here


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