Proof Mold & Biotoxins Gone in 7 Days!

Lab Proof Biotoxin Illness, Mold and CIRS can be eliminated in 7 days!

biotoxin illness

Lab Proof Biotoxin Illness, Mold, CIRS Gone in 7 Days

The Biosanctuary specializes in eliminating Biotoxin Illness, Mold, Yeast, Fungus, and even environmental toxins in 7 days and we are the only health service out there that can prove it with lab results!

Biotoxin Illness is Epidemic - Learn Why and Heal in 7 Days

Gut & Metabolic Test

Every Aspect of Health Including Your Immune System Starts in the Gut
BEFORE: Patient OAT Gut Test Before 7-Day Treatment Cycle

AFTER: Patient OAT Gut Test After 7-Day Treatment Cycle

Mycotoxicity Lab Results

Shows Systemic Mold Infection Gone in 7 Days!Systemic “Black Mold” Infection. This particular mold attacks the nervous system (can cause anxiety, insomnia, excessive worry) and the kidneys. This particular client had patches of it growing from his skin. Many times mold and fungal infections are seen beneath the nails.
BEFORE: Patient Mold Results Before 7-Day Treatment Cycle

AFTER: Patient Mold Results After 7-Day Treatment Cycle

Toxic Environmental Chemicals

Lab Results Show Carcinogenic, Neurotoxic & Endocrine Disruptor Load – Extreme Oxidative StressGone in 7 Days!Extremely toxic levels of MTBE. This client was not consistent in using a full proof water filter like Berkey (see Mike Adam’s (Health Ranger) video review of water tests of all available water filtration systems and you’ll find out why we’ve been promoting the use of Berkey for over 10 years. This client is also carrying extremely toxic loads of environmental and food toxicants that are linked to cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, Autoimmune Disease, Hormone Imbalance and / or diminished synthesis, and kidney, prostate, liver and pancreatic disease and malfunction.

Clear it All In 7 Days!

Enroll In The BioClear Radical Transformation Treatment ProgramSign up for our Revolutionary Medicine articles regarding how our medical model and true science aligns with ancient wisdom in the preserving the Divine Design or enquire about our Body, Mind & Spirit Optimization Retreats!


Learn more about how we treat Biotoxin Illness 

The Biosanctuary’s Award-Winning Medical Director developed the program 

Revitalize your life in a week! Dive into The Bioscantuary's 7-Day Radical Transformation Treatment Cycle. Experience health and vitality like never before. Ready for the change?

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