What Makes The Biosanctuary the Best Holistic Health Retreat

The Best Holistic Health Retreat is Defined by Positive Patient Outcomes

Our retreat offers a revolutionary cutting-edge Biological & Energy Medicine Model that detoxifies the root cause of all disease – oxidative stress. Saving You the time and money involved chasing symptoms around for the rest of your life

Click “About the Medical Model.” It offers an In-Depth Review of What You Experience During The 7-Day Health Optimization and Radical Transformation Treatment Cycle at Our Holistic Health Retreat. It is Modeled After a True Comprehensive Hippocrates of Old Approach to Health and Vitality!

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Treatment Package:

The Next 7 Day Treatment Cycle Begins on the following dates:

March 23rd  ~ 29th Sedona, Az

April 6th ~ 12th Lake Conroe, Texas

Reclaim your life, awaken your soul, and achieve your health goals! You will experience health, wellness, and vitality like never before when  you choose the Best Holistic Health Retreat worldwide

The Award-Winning BioSource Medical Model

The Medicine & The Experience…

Treatments Included

  • 1 10 Pass
  • 7 HOCATT Ozone / Carbonic Acid Saunas
  • 6 NAD Brain Restorative Treatments
  • 12 NAD SubQ Injections
  • 3 Custom Vitamin & Mineral IVs
  • Brain Protective Phosphatidylcholine IVs
  • 3 IV Ultraviolet & IR Fiber Optic IVs
  • 2 Reiki Sessions
  • 2 Colonics
  • 5 PEMF CellWell Pulse Electric Magnetic Frequency Treatments
  • 5 Medical Grade Hydrogen Sessions
  • 5 Bioharmonics VIBE Bed
  • High Dose Antioxidant IVs
  • Organic Food & Superfood Nutritional Supplementation
  • Education / Lectures
  • Ongoing Targeted Nutritional Therapy Protocol
  • 30 Day Post Treatment Support

Reclaim your life, awaken your soul, and achieve your health goals! You will experience health, wellness, and vitality like never before when  you choose the Best Holistic Health Retreat worldwide

We’re not the only ones that think we’re the best Holistic Health Retreat!

Click the button for our 5 star reviews on Google

Click the button for our 5 star reviews on Texas’ Local Alignable

The Biosanctuary is a Comprehensive Delivery of All that is Healthy for You & Driven by an Evidence-Based, Award-Winning Medical Model 

How The Biosanctuary Produces Superior Health-Oriented Client Outcomes

We Lead The Curve in Holistic Medical Therapies

The Biosanctuary is a Holistic Health Retreat haven of the most progressive modern-day biological / physical Alternative Medicine medical treatment technologies. These are blended with the ancient Energy Medicine practices of Reiki, Yoga, Sound and Vibration Energy work that raise, focus and balance energy. Our two-time award-winning Medical Director, Genita M. Mason Ecclesiastic LMP, H.H.C., N.C.,  American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA), American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) is a nutritional biochemist and licensed (ANMA) practitioner. She is specializing in Orthomolecular Bio/Neurochemical Rehabilitation (OBNR) which aims to remove the root cause of disease and metabolic disorders in the biological terrain. Then she introduce physical building blocks and bioenergetic instructions from the field necessary to repair and rejuvenate the body. It will awake the physician and pharmacist within which creates and sustains a total and true healing event.  


How We Get The Best Results 

We achieve superior client outcomes. It is possible with our Holistic Health Retreat that address every aspect of your biological, energetic, mental and emotional health. It does it by providing a comprehensive evidence-based integrated Biological & Energy Medicine medical model. The model is immersed in an organic and environmentally toxin-free health and wellness suite of services such as organic food, smoothies, elixirs, and nutrient dense superfoods. We also make sure you leave knowing how to maintain the ecstatic health you leave with by providing educational seminars in self-care, diet and at-home alternative medicine techniques. It answers to all today’s health challenges. 


Your experience at our Holistic Health Retreat will change your life in every aspect – physically, mentally, energetically, spiritually, and emotionally for the better.   We have treated all of today’s epidemic diseases and metabolic disorders. We have either completely resolved them (sometimes with continued outpatient care) or achieved significant improvement. 

Mathew, Before & After

Unbelievable Before & After Results? Here’s lab results proving we get rid of biotoxin illness, yeast, mold, fungus, bacterial dysbiosis, pathogenic microbes and environmental toxins in 7 days – Click Here for a patients before and after lab results

the biosanctuary holistic wellness retreat genita mason awards

A Comprehensive Holistic Medical Model 

When you come for a 7-day treatment package at our Holistic Health Retreat you can look forward to a radical transformation in every aspect of your health.


Being the best holistic health retreat worldwide for superior client outcomes involves addressing your health in every aspect that disease can manifest.   

While eliminating the root cause of disease found in the bioaccumulation of biotoxins, endotoxins, environmental toxins, electronic pollution, and chronic mental and emotional stress; we rebuild (orthomolecular bio/neurochemical rehabilitation) your blueprint biological and energetic body, raising energy and then focusing and balancing it through the nervous, emotional and mental bioenergetic pathways.  


Conscious Ascension

We also create a “container” for higher consciousness and emotional and mental wellness that facilitate what we call “Conscious Ascension”, which is the Peace Within when you find you can truly mindfully ascend all circumstance and create your Heaven on Earth.  Heaven, Nirvana and Shangri-La have never been “places”, they are states of mind and through health which is alignment in physical, mental, emotional, bioenergetic alignment with spirit, you can dial into the Divine Design, attain higher consciousness is available and yours

The Biosanctuary is your best holistic health retreat choice because the BioSource Integrated Biological & Energy Medicine Model addresses all 8 root causes of disease and metabolic disorders with the best of both modern-day medical treatment technologies and evidence-based Ancient Energy Medicine disciplines such as Reiki, Yoga, Frequency and Sound.

Our Medical Director, Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC is the author of The 8 Root Causes of Disease – In Medicine, Follow God & Nature


Click here for Genita Mason’s article published by the BioRegulatory Medicine Institute


The 8 Root Causes of Disease Are:


  1. Oxidative Stress – Biotoxins, Endotoxins, Exotoxins, Environmental Pollutants, Pathogenic Microbes,
  2. Toxic Colon
  3. Low Immune System
  4. Low Transmembrane Voltage (experienced as low energy, but is at the root, systemic mitochondrial dysfunction)
  5. Low Oxygen 
  6. Low Hydrogen
  7. Dehydration
  8. Malnutrition.  The majority of people today have full bellies, yet a negative nutritional load.  Meaning that most food today takes more from the body to metabolize the toxins than the nutrients they deliver.

The Biosanctuary is the best holistic health care retreat worldwide because it is the only one that addresses every root cause of disease with an integrated system of biological and energy medicine that works synergistically; each treatment improving the efficacy of all the others.

The medical efficacy of these treatments and your dietary and superfood nutritional care:


  1. Eliminates biotoxins, parasites, fungus, mold, harmful bacteria, mucoid plaque and all other elements that collectively cause a toxic gut and colon which is a key contributor to all disease and the toxic systemic terrain causing the   lion share of daily life symptoms such as brain fog, low energy, insomnia, anxiety, depression, joint pain, etc.1.    
  2. Dramatically reduces and / or eliminates inflammation
  3. The BioSource Medical Model Dramatically reduces and / or eliminates oxidative stress – only the best holistic health retreats also ensure your environment is green and clean! 

  4. Raises systemic transmembrane voltage creating more energy and a longer life!
  5. Improves oxygen uptake
  6. Increases hydrogen levels; it is the hydrogen proton that is released in the mitochondria that creates the burst of energy! The mitochondria requires hydrogen, oxygen and glucose. Everyone is hydrogen deficient today!
  7. Improves and correct dehydration – not one bottled water or R02 / filtration system produces water that truly HYDRATES you. The water doesn’t have the made by god and nature minerals / electrolytes in the right constitution to open ion gates which is required to get hydrating minerals / electrolytes INTO the cells!
  8. Addresses Malnutrition – produce from monocrop fields will never deliver the nutrients required for optimal health nor the bacteria required for optimal gut diversity – a healthy microbiome requires bacteria diversity in the tens of thousands of families of bacteria not even found in industrialized foods anymore!

We are also prepared to provide anything you specifically require to meet your health goals, but there usually isn’t much to add – addressing the above eliminates the biochemical terrain that causes disease which would of course reverse disease and we teach / educate you how to not only avoid backsliding but how to progress to better levels of health than the excellent condition you leave in!

In addition to the treatments and the healing they promote, we nourish your belly and your mind!

And all the while we are doing this during your 7 Day Radical Transformation Orthomolecular Biochemical Rehabilitation Treatment Program we are providing organic food, educating you and caring for you like no other clinic does. Not one! 

In all, through videos and lectures, we teach you how to not only maintain your excellent health when you leave but how to progress from there and never backslide which is the end result of all standard “walk-in” clinics and it usually happens within weeks! Your education here is your insurance policy and what guarantees your return on investment!

Reclaim your life, awaken your soul, and achieve your health goals at The Biosanctuary! You will experience health, wellness, and vitality like you never before when you choose the Best Holistic Health Retreat worldwide

Health Education that addresses the unique threats in today's world

The most rewarding return on your investment is not only leaving having radically shifted your bio-terrain toward a healthy one, resolving 60 to 90% of any disease or metabolic condition that you came in with, we provide an education on health, wellness, diet and the use of organic, ancient sourced nutritional supplementation that will not only aid meeting your goal of entirely resolving the health issues you come in with, but can literally put decades of vibrant years on your life and preclude you from ever experiencing a serious disease! We envision our “inner-circle” of patients “falling asleep to death” sometime past 100. The Hunza people live on average to 120 – 130! While we don’t live in such a pristine area as they do to avoid the involuntary toxic assault, we can still live vibrantly to well past 100 when we know how to truly treat our bodies right!

Sustaining Health In Today’s World Requires Knowing What is Threatening your Well-Being – Only the Best Holistic Health Retreats Teach You How to Sustain the Health You Leave With

Our Medical Director, Genita M. Mason Ecclesiastic LMP, H.H.C., N.C.,  American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA), American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) provides amazing and life-changing health educational lectures and documentaries during your treatment, teaching you how to protect yourself from the toxic onslaught of modern life and how to avoid the many invisible and little known toxic, health robbing chemicals in many unsuspecting sources including food, hygiene, make-up, food containers, cooking supplies, psychiatric drugs, OTC medications (Visine has lead in it- goes straight to the brain!), vaccinations, and many other modern day products – even conventional chocolate – lead!
No book, fad diet or doctor provides this information as they are all by-products of an incorrect narrative of 100 years of doctors and some scientists trying to improve on God & Nature and you can’t!

Activities at Lake Conroe, Texas - The Natural Environment that Surrounds the The Biosanctuary Holistic Health Retreat

The Best Holistic Health Retreat would not be the best without the natural setting of the medicine itself; God & Nature. Surrounded by unspoilt nature, there is a plethora of boating, fishing, parks, swimming, spectacular sunrises and sunsets, and simply the best of rest and relaxation at the shoreline along Lake Conroe.  It is a perfect environment for enjoying the beauty within you and the enchanting natural world we live in.  Rarely do many get to stop and really take it all in.  Now is the time!  

The priceless gem of this area is that people of Lake Conroe (1 to 3 hour drive from Houston, Dallas and Austin) and the vacationing visitors are gentle natured and kind. It’s a peaceful area. It’s a society of multi-generations of farmers and ranchers. . Neighbors know each other and eat and play together. It’s a safe haven for those looking to renew, rebuild and heal!

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