Fire in a forest

Wake Up Series West Coast Respiratory Dangers

Genita M. Mason’s “WAKE UP” Series

Urgent Concern About Respiratory Health Affected By West Coast Fires & Contracting COVID-19

The Air Quality From The Fires & The Many Materials Such As Plastics, Rubber & Many Other Toxic Products Is Causing Lung Inflammation & Will Assuredly Complicate COVID-19 Cases To Make Matters Worse, The Next Flu Season Is On Its Way. Europe Is Already Starting To Get Its Second Wave. For this reason, everyone coming in from the West Coast will be receiving extreme focus on their respiratory systems. We all know that COVID attacks the lungs and if you’re already starting out with inflamed lungs and reduced oxygen uptake as a result, it puts you in a very precarious position in being able to recover easily. One thing you can do is keep and eye on the functioning of your lungs by purchasing an oxymeter which measures the oxygen uptake through your lungs. Here is one on Amazon (Click Here). Another excellent therapy you can do at home is hydrogen inhalation. Hydrogen reduces inflammation and helps carry oxygen into and through the lung tissue. You can read up more on this below the Concierge treatment offer as we now distribute the Bozon H2/03 which is a very good (same company that engineers the EBOO machine at our clinic) consumer level hydrogen / ozone generator. Every home should have one of these with all the flues / fires / and epidemic COPD and other lung diseases out there. The machine is so good, and such a great deal for both an ozone and hydrogen gas generator with many other features, that it is the first time in my 20 year career as a clinician that I’ve decided to become a distributor for something. It just that it is so valuable to have one of these in your home, I am doing people a huge service and possibly even saving some lives that can’t make it into the clinic! And if you smoke, I implore you to STOP any way you can! In service we shine, Shine! Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C., F.E. Medical Director, The Biosanctuary Clinic



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