Genita Mason Lecure Gut Brain Axis Mental Health

The Gut Brain Axis Effect on Mental Health


How The Gut – Brain Axis is the Cause of Today’s Epidemic Mental Health Issues

The Gut-Brain Axis and it’s impact on your mental health 

Many Lipopolysaccharides are Analogues to Excitatory Neurotransmitters and All of Them are Toxic to the Brain Chemistry

The Gut is the number one, first-hand receiver of your lifestyle – drugs, sugar, caffeine, toxic thinking, environmental pollutants you expose yourself to, etc.  In fact, your Gut is the reporting system of your lifestyle on all levels, and when it goes out and becomes toxic, its direct connection to the brain will let it know.  It will produce up to 1800 harmful bacteria and their die-off called lipopolysaccharides, which are literally analogs to excitatory neurotransmitters. LPS can cause everything from anxiety and panic attacks to depression and schizophrenia!

The Gut-Brain Axis refers to the impact your Gut’s health has on your mental health. When you get a pain in your side, your brain reports the pain, but you realize it is a muscle cramp or gas causing it. You realize that it is not your brain causing the pain. People don’t realize that their mental health symptoms do not originate in their brains—the brain is simply the messenger. Your body is trying to save your life by letting you know something in your body is going wrong. Your brain is working right. It is doing what it is supposed to do—report the problem.

The Gut-Brain Axis is How the Brain finds out about the problem

Your brain is the reporting system for your internal and external environment.  It is not your brain’s fault that it is cold outside and you are uncomfortable without adequate clothing, no more than it is your brain’s fault that you are experiencing anxiety in response to the damage your adrenals are suffering due to excess coffee or other nervous system stimulants over-stimulating you. It is not your brain’s fault that it is not getting all the raw materials in the way of nutrients it needs to produce the neurotransmitters and hormones it requires for good health.  It is not your brain’s fault. It is so loaded. With sugar and antinutrients, it can’t help you get through life’s common emotional and psychological challenges, such as the loss of a job or loved one, causing you to sink into chronic depression. So many people enter crisis today in such marginal mental and physical shape that it is nearly impossible for them to climb out of the adverse emotional and psychological strains they suffer. Your brain relies on the healthy functioning of each and every organ of your body to provide you with mental health in good times and bad, so you must take care of the whole body to achieve Green Mental Health.

Read more about the Gut-Brain connection to mental health at Harvard Medical

mental health determined by gut health

Article by Genita M. Mason L.M.P., N.C., H.H.P.


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