mental illness toxic gut

Root Cause of Mental Illness Part One

The Physical Root Causes of Mental Illness – Part l of Vl

The Root Causes of Mental Illness are Biotoxin llness & a Toxic Gut

mental illness toxic gut

The Biotoxin Link to Mental Health Issues

The root cause of mental illness and mood disorders is directly linked to biotoxin illness and a toxic gut, as well as food, air, water, and environmental chemical exposures. Other contributing factors include blood thickening, brain dehydration, lack of proper balance of  electrolytes, psychiatric drugs, chronic brain inflammation, toxic metals, and electronic pollution.

Topics that will be covered in this 6 part series

Most Root Causes of Mental Illness Today is in a Toxic Gut and Biotoxin Illness


How a Toxic Gut Causes a Long List of Mental Health Issues


Article by Genita M. Mason L.M.P., N.C., H.H.P.

Watch Genita Mason’s Lecutre in Mexico here

or read the full article condensed here 

  1. It’s Not All in Your Head!
  2. The Causes of Today’s Epidemic Adverse Mental Health Symptoms
  3. How Neurotoxins Cause Mental Health Symptoms
  4. What Can Cause Panic Attacks, Mood Swings and Depression
  5. What Can Cause Anxiety, Depression And Bipolar
  6. What Can Cause Psychosis/Schizophrenia
  7. What Can Cause Hyperactivity, ADHD, OCD, etc.
  8. Candida, Parasites, Fungus, Leaky Gut, Bacterial Dysbiosis
  9. Do Not Stop Diagnostics Until You Are Presented with Evidence of the Root Cause!
  10. Underlying Medical Conditions That Can Manifest as Mental Health Problems
  11. What Does Psychiatry Do Instead of Testing for the Underlying Cause of Your Mental Health Complaints?

Mental Illness is Not All in Your Head!

The Root Cause of Mental Illness is in Your Biological Health not Your Mental Health

When you get a pain in your side your brain reports the pain but you realize that it is a muscle cramp or gas that is causing the pain. You realize that it is not your brain causing the pain. People don’t realize that their mental health symptoms do not originate in their brain—the brain is simply the messenger. Your body is trying to save your life by letting you know something in your body is going wrong. Your brain is working right. It is doing what it is supposed to do—report the problem.

It is Not Your Brain’s Fault!

Your brain is the reporting system for your internal and external environment.  It is not your brain’s fault that it is cold outside and you are uncomfortable without adequate clothing, no more than it is your brain’s fault that you are experiencing anxiety in response to the damage your adrenals are suffering due to excess coffee or other nervous system stimulants over-stimulating you.

It is not your brain’s fault that it is not getting all the raw materials in the way of nutrients it needs to produce the neurotransmitters and hormones it requires for good health and to help you get through life’s common emotional and psychological challenges such as the loss of a job or loved one causing you to sink into chronic depression. So many people enter crisis today in such marginal mental and physical shape that it is nearly impossible for them to climb out of the adverse emotional and psychological strains they suffer. Your brain relies on the healthy functioning of each and every organ of your body to provide you with mental health in good times and bad, so you must take care of the whole body to achieve Green Mental Health.

How Neurotoxins Created by Biotoxins Cause  Mental Illness

Neurotoxins target brain cells and they do most of their damage within the brain and nervous system. However, that damage is also known to cause endocrine or hormonal issues that also serve up many of today’s adverse mental health symptoms.

Neurotoxins literally “eat away” brain tissue with an affinity to neurons, shrinking vital glands and centers within the brain such as the hypothalamus and the pituitary.

Neurotoxins  also cause mitochondria damage [Medication-induced mitochondrial damage and disease John Neustadt and Steve R. Pieczenik.].

This effect on the brain will have a deleterious effect on the entire body and mind since the mitochondria supplies the energy for the cell. Reduce the energy and you reduce the functional capacity of the cell to utilize nutrients and remove waste. This will cause advanced oxidative stress, and damage to those organs affected the most, which are usually the organs the drugs are manufactured to affect, the brain and nervous system, thus disrupting the entire endocrine system as well.

Additional Reading: The 8 Root Causes of Disease 

Next up… What Can Cause Panic Attacks, Mood Swings and Depression & What Can Cause Anxiety, Depression And Bipolar

Being Symptom-Free is not Enough! Practice a Dietary & Spiritual Lifestyle that Produces Super Consciousness!

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