Remove the COVID Vaccine

How to Remove Long-Haul COVID Complications From Both Getting the Jab and/or The Virus

Spike protein and graphene hydroxide metabolism

The Biosanctuary Announces the COVID VX Protocol

A COVID Vaccine Treatment for disabling, metabolizing, and neutralizing vaccine components that are causing health issues and death

Everyone Coming in for a Treatment Cycle Will Be Given the Option to Add The COVID VX Protocol to Their Treatment Protocols at No Additional Charge

Chronic Pathogen Colonization is spike protein replication from both getting the virus and vaccines

Nearly Everyone Who was Vaxxed & Has Had the Virus Is Suffering Long-Term Spike Protein Damage – only those that had a quick immune response were saved the replicating nature of the spike protein which acts more like a parasite

Long Haul Corona Virus Infection is a blood disorder causing Progressive Heart and Neurodegenerative Disease – inroads to early heart attacks, embolisms, Parkinson’s and other brain conditions caused by the thickening of blood starving the brain and accelerating oxidative stress – There is even an official medical term for the condition – Chronic Pathogen Colonization

Full Article from Medical Workshop on “Long Haul Corona Virus” 

Does anyone out there really think that a cold type virus lingers for months? Why do people minimize this very serious condition to a long-standing virus?

I just completed a workshop at the American Academy of Ozonotherapy where a number of doctors and scientists shared their experiences and their positive patient outcome solutions. 

Here is what is really going on…

*numbers in paragraphs are references from PubMed

Chronic Pathogen Colonization (CPC) 

CPC generates toxins and pro-oxidant pathogen metabolic byproducts “24/7” (including a large amount of free iron), which are continually swallowed. As long as the CPC persists, creating and maintaining a normal gut flora (microbiome) is nearly impossible. This inability to fix the gut once and for all (which requires stopping what has caused the damage—we teach you this) makes it nearly impossible to clear CPC. 

Is a “Leaky Gut” Really a Chronic Disease? 

The intestinal epithelial cells have one of the highest turnover rates anywhere in the body, with intestinal stem cells working to have each epithelial cell replicated anew between every 3 to 5 days [32567155]. This also means that when an “old” cell is once again replicated, the contribution of that cell to a leaky gut ceases, as it begins its existence providing a renewed normal barrier function with other regenerated cells. 

This begs the question: Is leaky gut syndrome really a chronic disease, or the chronic presence of ongoing acute toxin exposures? It would appear to be the latter. 

Regarding oxidative damage anywhere in the body, Dr. Huggins said “You can’t dry off while you are still in the shower.” And it’s true! 

The evidence is continuing to emerge that when you stop poisoning the newly generated cells with swallowed products of CPC, even a long-standing leaky gut can completely heal, and often quite quickly. 

Chronic Pathogen Colonization (CPC) 

Once present, CPC generally persists indefinitely, due to tenacious biofilms, and this “pathogen residue” of a cold or a bout of influenza can persist, literally for life, until specific measures are taken to eradicate it. 

The presence of a significant degree of CPC is an essential additional factor in determining the clinical responsiveness of a patient with a newly acquired COVID infection. Effectively eliminating CPC is a major factor in determining how quickly and completely someone can recover from COVID-19 or any other respiratory virus, as well as how effectively initial infection can be avoided. 

Eradicating areas of CPC requires an agent that destroys biofilms and subsequently destroys or allows something else to destroy all varieties of pathogens. 

COVID and the Spike Protein 

Although they are found in many different cells throughout the body, the ACE2 receptors on the epithelial cells lining the airways are the first targets of the virus upon exposure by inhalation [32142651]. Of note, the concentration of these receptors is especially high on lung alveolar epithelial cells, causing a disproportionate degree of viral attraction to the lung tissue [32305506]. When enough virus has been bound by these ACE2 sites and virus replication ensues inside those cells, the unchecked process eventually leads to the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), low blood oxygen levels, and the burst of oxidation known as the cytokine storm, leading shortly to death thereafter [32364961, 33195436, 32592501]. 

As ACE2 receptors are present in many tissues throughout the body, “free” circulating spike protein can become bound just about anywhere. Increased thrombosis (abnormal blood clotting) has been seen following vaccination and it has been asserted that the spike protein-binding of ACE2 receptors on both platelets and the lining of the blood vessels (endothelium) are responsible for the increased thrombosis [32887634, 33223324, 34356644]. There is also evidence indicating that “long-haul COVID” is either a persistent low-grade viral infection and/or a persistent presence of the spike protein. As the vaccine is asserted to be an injection of spike proteins, it would appear that anti-spike protein measures might effectively treat both vaccine-related symptoms as well as long-haul COVID symptoms. 

While some people react poorly to COVID vaccination, many appear to do well and feel completely fine after their vaccinations. Is this an assurance that no harm was done by the vaccine? Some striking anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise, while also indicating options for optimal protection against side effects in both the short- and long-term. 

Red Blood Cell Facts 

The smallest capillaries through which a red blood cell (RBC) must pass to continue circulating are actually slightly smaller in diameter than the diameter of the normal RBC. As such, it has been conclusively shown that in the microcirculation, the RBCs have to bend or fold slightly to make the transition from the arterial to the venous side of the circulation. 

COVID and Thrombosis 

An elevated D-dimer test indicates an increased presence of the breakdown products of blood clots. D-dimer levels have been found to be consistently elevated in both COVID infections as well as in some vaccinated individuals with thrombotic complications. Not surprisingly, patients with higher D-dimer levels for longer periods of time are the sickest and show the greatest mortality [34259661, 32997543, 32853982, 32903841]. 

It also appears that the spike protein itself is intrinsically toxic, and the measures that neutralize the impact of any toxin (like properly-dosed vitamin C) can be effectively utilized against spike protein. D-dimer levels must drop to levels below 0.5 microgram/cc (500 ng/cc) before treatments for abnormal blood clotting are discontinued, regardless of absence of any symptoms, unless a underlying medical condition unrelated to spike protein is felt to be provoking the increase in D-dimer levels. D-dimer levels can be elevated in advanced age, pregnancy, trauma, post-operative periods, inflammatory states, and cancer. Except for age, such conditions are not necessarily permanent, meaning long-term D-dimer should still return to normal [35176874] 

Red Blood Cell Rouleaux Formation 

Under conditions of inflammation and increased oxidative stress, RBCs can aggregate face-to-face to form coin-like stacks, with even branching of the stacks when very pronounced. This is known as rouleaux formation [6426540]. Not surprisingly, when rouleaux formation is pronounced, blood viscosity (thickness) results, and there is increased resistance to the normal, easy flow of the blood, especially in the microcirculation [2731173]. This rouleaux formation also impairs the ability of the blood to optimally transport oxygen to the tissues (another feature of COVID spike protein impact) [10711739]. Rouleaux formation is easily visually directly with dark field microscopy. It is likely, although yet to be conclusively proved, that rouleaux formation can positively correlate to the propensity of the blood to clot, and to elevated D-dimer. 

Evidence of Post-Vaccination Rouleaux and Resolution 

The following two slides are dark field blood examinations. The first one was taken from a 62-year-old female who had received the COVID vaccine roughly 60 days prior to the examination of the blood. Note that there is mild RBC clustering formation, consistent with minimal rouleaux formation. The slide after that shows a dark field blood exam on the same patient after six autohemotherapy ozonations (“passes”). There is complete resolution of the rouleaux formation of the blood. 

62-year-old female, 60 days post-COVID vaccination, Dark Field Blood Examination 

Same 62-year-old female, Dark Field Blood Examination Directly After 6 Pass Blood Ozone Treatment 

Dark Field Blood Examination 15 days post-COVID Vaccination 

Dark Field Blood Examination 15 days post-COVID Vaccination 

Dark Field Exam 15 Days after Ozonated Saline and IV Vitamin C Infusions 

Thrombolytic Therapy 

Many COVID and post-COVID protocols advocate some form of anticoagulation interventions but no recommendations for thrombolysis, except when blood clots are large, widespread, and life-threatening. Much evidence exists to indicate that long-term supplemental thrombolytics decreases the symptoms in many different conditions, including COVID [34248612, 34124160, 28264497, 29531018, 24416067, 29983558, 15584386, 28648640]. But even if not used for general health reasons, a course of such supplementation should be given for chronic COVID and post-vaccine symptoms along with anti-spike protein therapies to restore the circulation to as completely a normal state as possible. 

The Biosanctuary's COVID VX Treatment for Detoxing the Vaccine and Healing the Damage Done

Removing the COVID Vaccine Components to Stop the mRNA Progression and Chronic Pathogen Colonization Causing Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Neurological/Neurodegenerative, and Intestinal Damage

Removal of Graphene Oxide

Before and after the above treatment of graphene hydroxide with calcium hypochlorite which oxidizes this element, turning it into a soluble solution that can be metabolized and removed from the body.

Treatment and Removing the COVID Vaccination Deadliest Components; the Graphene Oxide and Spike Protiens Carrying mRNA Programming

Click Here for dietary and nutraceutical support that we strangly suggest which also helps in reversing cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, and intestinal damage the vaccine is reported to cause.

Purchase CDS/MMS (MMS1) Here – one bottle lasts 10 Days  – Add 10ml to 24oz of distilled water. Drink 8 oz  3x the day. Keep away from food at least 30min.

MMS 2 – Calcium Hypochlorite (click here to purchase)  This oxidative treatment can be taken at least 45 min before or after CDS / MMS1 – take 1 tablet 3 times daily for serious gut yeast, fungus, mold overgrowth and bacterial dysbiosis.  2 weeks on / 1 week off for three cycles is recommended.  Drink LOTS of water with this medicine and do not take in the same swallow as other pills.  You do not want it getting stuck in your throat!

MMS Enema:

50 drops each of sodium chlorite and citric acid in shot glass.  Pour into a silicon enema bag that can be purchased here.  Fill and flush the colon until the bag is empty.  Do this three times a week.

Suggested Protocol for Persistent Spike Protein

All of these measures support each other. However, when all are not available, aggressively treating with the others can still resolve the clinical picture. How long treatment is extended must be determined by the doctor in charge. Vigorous treatment should not be stopped if taste has not been completely restored, D-dimer is greater than 500 ng/cc, and/or there is the persistence of any significant COVID-related symptom.

1. Vitamin C, intravenously if available, 15 to 50 grams per infusion. Liposome- encapsulated (LivOn Labs, Altrient) vitamin C, 15 packets daily for 4 days. Or sodium ascorbate powder to bowel tolerance daily. Accompany each IV or oral vitamin C dose with 15 to 20 mg of hydrocortisone if possible.

2. Hydrogen peroxide nebulization to resolve any persistent aerodigestive tract pathogens and to help normalize the gut microbiome. Also to destroy

persistent presence of spike protein in the lungs

3. Ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine as powerful antiviral agents able to bind the ACE2 sites before the spike protein does

4. Ozone or ultraviolet blood irradiation if available. Powerful therapies, but still important to take vitamin C to prevent tissue scurvy secondary to infection. Hyperbaric oxygen if available.

5. Supplementation: quercetin, vitamin D, magnesium chloride, vitamin K2, zinc (many others are of benefit)

6. Supplemental thrombolytic enzymes

Lumbrokinase 20 mg twice daily (from earthworm digestive tract)
Serrapeptase, 10 mg twice daily (from enterobacteria in silkworm intestine)


Coronavirus Infection Prevention/Rx

A quality supplementation regimen:

  1. Vitamin C, 2 grams four times daily (if not four doses, then 3 grams t.i.d.). If active infection is being treated, add 10 mg hydrocortisone orally to each dose of vitamin C. Liposome- encapsulated vitamin C is especially beneficial (
  2. Any magnesium up to a gram daily regular supplement, but the BEST would be:

Magnesium chloride solution: Depending on age and body size, the magnesium chloride solution was a 2.5% solution [25 grams in 1000 cc of water], 15 to 125 cc orally every six hours, depending on body size (Very anti-viral, has cured polio as readily as vitamin C) [Chloride, NOT sulfate]


Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization

As it is a completely non-toxic therapy, nebulization can be administered as often as desired. This not only kills whatever chronic pathogen colonization is present, it very readily stops and eliminates the contraction and proliferation of a virus after a new onset exposure of sufficient quantity. The hydrogen peroxide should be 3% or a lower concentration, depending on patient tolerance (stinging, burning).

As long as the pandemic is ongoing, this nebulization can be done daily, even if you feel great, for a minute or two. It can also be repeated as often as possible for prophylaxis after having to go somewhere outside of your home, as to shop for food, or whenever you feel you might have had a significant exposure, or when living with someone who has COVID (or any other respiratory infection)


Hydrogen Peroxide and Vitamin C: Physiological Partners

While vitamin C combats infections via support of the immune system by multiple mechanisms, its direct pathogen-killing capacity is mediated by hydrogen peroxide.

Pathogens thrive on iron, and more iron facilitates more aggressive growth.

Iron chelators decrease pathogen growth.


Hydrogen Peroxide and Vitamin C: Physiological Partners

In virus-infected cells, vitamin C donates an electron to Fe3+ to make Fe2+. The Fe2+ then donates that electron to cytoplasmic HP, forming the ultimate oxidizing agent, hydroxyl radical (Fenton reaction). This ultimately results in cell/pathogen necrosis and/or cell apoptosis.

Furthermore, in the extracellular space, high-dose vitamin C massively upregulates HP production [16157892] This HP then readily diffuses inside the cells and pathogens, further supplying the “fuel” for vitamin C to continue to produce hydroxyl radicals until pathogen or host cell death finally occurs.


Thrombolytic Therapy

Possible starting doses for thrombolytic supplementation: Nattokinase, 100 mg twice daily (from fermented soy)

Lumbrokinase 20 mg twice daily (from earthworm digestive tract)
Serrapeptase, 10 mg twice daily (from enterobacteria in silkworm intestine)


Suggested Protocol for Spike Protein Toxicity

Whether from long-haul COVID or resulting from a COVID vaccination, it appears that a multi-pronged attack against the toxicity of the spike protein presence can resolve these clinical situations.

These measures are designed to:

1. Interfere with any new binding of spike protein to ACE2 receptors

2. Neutralize ongoing spike protein toxicity while repairing old spike protein-induced toxicity (any oxidation of biomolecules)

3. Support the ability of the immune system to process, break down, and eliminate any unbound circulating spike protein

4. Help to destroy cells already virus/spike protein—infected to eliminate any reservoirs of infection and toxicity

5. Prevent new blood clot formation and dissolve pre-existing blood clots.


Blood Clotting in Vaccinated Patients

the biosanctuary treatments caraseul

Blood clotting causing heart attacks and strokes, in addition to many preconditions relatd to the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system in vaccinated patients is a growing phenomenon

COVID Vaccines cause excessive red blood cell death, compromising the blood and setting off the cytokine response to internal hemorrhaging

Blood clotting in vaccinated patients began occurring shortly after COVID vaccines were introduced. The nanotechnology, graphene hydroxide (the world’s smallest razorblade), in the vaccine combined with the spike proteins in the vaccines that instruct your body to make, rupture red blood cells and organ tissue.

This creates a growing number of sentient cells, which are compromised cells that begin to die while simultaneously an excessive amount of completely ruptured cells as tens of thousands are killed on contact.  Red blood cells have a natural lifespan of about 3 months. However, when millions are killed and compromised with the blunt injury of the vaccine, it signals the body to take action to stop the bleeding.

This biological activity that happens when the human biology meets the COVID vaccine signals the cardiovascular system that there is internal hemorrhaging going on. This signaling also happens when you are wounded such as a cut, however, it is localized so the cytokines, fibrin and platelets have a specific destination to go to stop the bleeding and begin closing the wound and knitting back the tissue. However, when. it is systemic, there is no specific destination, the hemorrhaging is registered throughout the cardio-vascular system. This causes blood clotting as seen in the huge blood clot in the jar.

The reason why blood clotting in  vaccinated patients happens to some individuals depends on the general health of their blood cells and the amount of damage they suffered from the vaccine. When ozone is introduced to the system, the therapy kills sentient cells as they have no protection from oxidative stress.  This is a good thing under normal circumstances as it is like pruning a bush.  Getting rid of the naturally dying red blood cells because they are approaching the end of their life-span allows nutrients and life-force energy to focus on the healthy cells, maintaining their health and ability to function for the body.

If the amount of dying red blood cells is great enough, it will trigger the release of, cytokines, fibrin and platelets and cause the clotting. Now it should be easy to understand how people are dying of strokes and heart attacks shortly after the vaccine. It is also a clear explanation as to why people suffer myocarditis. The heart muscle becomes inflamed from the cytokine, fibrin, and platelet activity. The heart also has to work harder to pump thickening of blood resulting in heart attack.

Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC  Medical Director, The Biosanctuary

View our before and after laboratory results of a patient that had a serious mold, yeast and fungus infection and was cleared in 7 days.

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