Man walks at Biosanctuary's treatment

Patient with Parkinson’s walks after treatment

There is hope for patients with Parkinson’s Disease

Patients with Parkinson’s disease can experience dramatic turn-around of the disease

Parkinson’s Patient with the Disease can not only slow the progression but can experience dramatic reversal of the disease.
parkinson's disease symptoms

After just nine days in treatment at The Biosanctuary, Mel is walking without dragging his right leg and experiencing a number of other symptoms he came in with. He came in on 12 to 15 LDopa a day and in this video had only two the entire day and the last one was 5 hours ago. He could not get out of his seat without taking LDopa on the hour when he checked in! It is possible to heal Parkinsons with High Impact Biological Medicine!

A series of time-calculated ozone treatments, a Gut Microbiome rebuild, Specific Nutritional IVs for Neurodegenerative Disease, PEMF – Pulse Electromagnetic Therapy, Colonics, Frequency & Magnetic Therapies, and 10 Days of NAD wrapped in a very potent superfoods and organic nutritional support program fitted for rebuilding brain networks is responsible for this man’s radical transformation.  He left with a very specific protocol to continue the healing and stay on the path to complete resolution.

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