rheumatoid arthritis pain and inflammation

Holistic Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Holistic Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis is to address the bioaccumulation of oxidative stress with detoxification and then heal the damage with Orthomolecular Targeted Nutritional Therapy 

Holistic Treatment Cures 85-90% of Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms in 7 Days

The Holistic Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis

 Rheumatoid Arthritis is Caused by Oxidative Stress. Eliminate the oxidative stress and the disease goes into reverse


Click here to read more about Biotoxin Illness

Below: Before & After Results  of our Holistic  Treatment That Eliminates Pain & Inflammation in 7 days.

Rheumatoid Arthritis before and after 7 day treatment

85% of inflammation and 90% of pain reported by the patient in the video interview below is gone after just 7 days of treatment, which also left her immune system boosted and general health optimized and transformed.

Watch the video that could change your life in a week if you suffer from RA

The video is an interview with a patient who has just completed the 7-Day Health Optimization & Radical Transformation Treatment Cycle at The Biosanctuary, which I modified for her 8-year chronic RA.

A Holistic Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis is Detoxification, Orthomolecular Corrective Nutrition, and Methods of Rebuilding Bone and Repairing Joint Tissue. Click here to read more about the holistic treatments that help to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis at The Biosanctuary.

Autoimmune Disease is a Product of Bioaccumulation of Toxins Including Drugs Called Medicine

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is primarily an autoimmune disorder developed over time due to the bioaccumulation of oxidative stress caused by chronic exposure to biotoxins such as mold, yeast, fungus, and bacterial dysbiosis. This autoimmune response is the body’s adaptive mechanism to cope with its toxic environment. Biotoxins can produce over 1800 endotoxins inside the body from a sick Gut.

Consumption of dietary and environmental chemical toxins, including pesticides, GMOs, heavy metals, and household cleaning products, poses significant health risks. These toxins, alongside fluoride and various drugs like antibiotics, contribute to adverse health effects when ingested by individuals.


The key to a holistic cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis is thorough detoxification that reduces oxidative stress caused by biotoxins and environmental pollutants. Practicing a strict organic dairy, grain, and sugar-free diet, with proper hydration (see video on how to reconstitute water by clicking here: reconstituted water), exercise, and a commitment to maintaining any of many choices of detoxification daily (sauna, antioxidants, etc.) as the bioaccumulation of even the involuntary toxic exposures that we all suffer can quickly trigger antibodies which will start the inflammation response.  

The inflammation response starts the cycle of the disease again; oxidative stress triggers inflammation, which chokes off nutrition and hydration, accelerates the accumulation of trapped toxins in the affected area, begins damaging tissue and DNA, and results in the disease, which is the identical process that started the RA in the first place.

Orthomolecular Nutrition

While Oxidative stress and inflammation are being addressed, proper hydration, nutrition, and targeted nutritional therapies are introduced to replace the diet and lifestyle that caused RA. Targeted Nutritional Therapies (TNTs) include organic nutritional fresh turmeric shots (not supplements!), niacin, a bioactive silicate-treated water supply to assure alkalinity, an alkaline diet, peptide injections such as Sermorelin, GHRP-2, GHRP-6, and CJC-1295, and any combination the practitioner/individual considers valuable for the unique case being addressed.

Nutrients and TNTs that aid the holistic cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Flavonoids: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral
  • Polyphenols: improves systemic inflammation associated with RA
  • Glycosides: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-carcinogenic
  • Serpentine -both oral and a great overnight wrap on affected joints
  • Terpenes such as resveratrol, icariin (potent antioxidant- reduces ROS), epigallocatechin-3-gallate (anti-inflammatory), ginsenoside (Panax ginseng), sinomenine (pain), and triptolide (immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory)

Some of these treatments have antiviral and antibacterial properties, which are helpful as viral and bacterial infections can trigger inflammatory responses. Of course it all helps, but the general mechanisms of action of the above that address the nature of the disease are anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, immune regulation, pro-apoptosis, inhibition of angiogenesis, inhibition of osteoclastogenesis, inhibition of fibroblast-like synovial cell proliferation, migration, and invasion.

Overnight poultices of aluminum-free bicarbonate soda help reduce the acid in the affected area, which irritates the tissue and causes pain. Adding cayenne and a small niacin to the poultice will help blood flow overnight. The vasodilation effects of niacin and improving blood flow help deliver hydration, which removes environmental and biotoxins, thus avoiding the buildup that causes morning stiffness and pain.

The Holistic Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis Relies on You to Take Charge of Your Environment and Diet

The pass/fail of a holistic cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis relies solely on the individual in maintaining this biological terrain (body) of low oxidative stress and high organic nutritional / electrolyte (proper hydration) status while undergoing the right combination of Targeted Nutritional Therapies until the RA has had time to heal completely and the wisdom of the cells can repair DNA. The good news is that just a week into the one to two-year treatment (it can be less in some individuals, but we’re talking about healing DNA!).

When you consider how Biotoxin Illness, which can be many combinations of organic or chemical toxic exposures that compromise the microbiome, thus allowing for the proliferation of lipopolysaccharides, can initiate the disease process, toxic exposure starts the inflammation response that chokes off oxygen, nutrition, hydration while trapping in oxidative stress which causes the damage to tissues and DNA = disease; you can easily understand why I consider Biotoxin Illness the number one cause of disease and death today because it is the progenitor or a key influence in all disease. Oxidative stress causes disease; cells don’t know how to die; they are programmed for repair and replication. It is the environment that kills them.

Your Body is A Temple

Treat your body like the Temple it is; the Earth will thank you. The holistic cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis will also help ease the oxidative stress on our planet! Those who live by the Divine Design are the true environmentalists!

In service, we shine,


Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC

Medical Director

The Biosanctuary

The Biosanctuary Website


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