EBOO ozone therapy

EBOO Ozone Therapy and 10 Pass Comparison

The Benefits of 10 Pass Ozone Therapy are Far Superior to EBOO Ozone Therapy

  (click here for more info)

Comparing EBOO Ozone Therapy & 10 Pass Ozone Treatments with Medical Facts 

Extracorporeal Blood Ozonation & Oxygenation (EBOO-dialysis style) is fairly new to the Alternative & Western Medical practices when compared to 10 Pass Ozone Treatment and there seems to be an incorrect assumption by the public that EBOO treatment is better than 10 Pass and it is not.

It’s important that people know the facts the medical efficacy of ozone treatment options.  Many times, they are trying to save their life or quality of life considering which treatment is best.  EBOO Ozone Therapy is new and fancy looking so people automatically think it is better.  It is not.

When you look at the hard scientific facts, you will  quickly learn that 10-Pass Ozone Therapy is superior in many ways to EBOO and RHP!  

The EBOO Ozone Therapy system delivers the ozone into a non-pressurized chamber where the ozone floats on top of the blood, except for the film of blood that is captured on the glass walls.

The 10 Pass hyperbaric high-dose ozone treatment system delivers the ozone under hyperbaric conditions and, gets ozone deeper into the blood than AHT, RHP, and EBOO.  This permits the medical practitioner to use up to 70mcg/ml potency per pass of 200-220ml.  This translates to a minimum of 140,000 and up to 154,000mcg (1,400 – 1,540mg) of ozone per 10-pass session. Autohemotherapy uses approximately 25 to 45 mcg/ml.  And EBOO, only 1 mcg/ml in an entire 3-hour EBOO Ozone Therapy which averages about 2.5 liters delivering just 2500 to 3000mcg or 250 – 300mg total ozone. 

The more ozone you can treat the blood within a session, the more harmful microbes, pathogens, mold, and other biotoxins you’re going to kill! 

The negative pressure of approximately 50 to 60 psi increases the uptake of ozone in the blood.

EBOO Ozone Therapy



Before and after picture of a patient’s blood at The Biosanctuary that has been detoxified and oxygenated after ozone treatment

Watch This Video of a Veteran EBOO Therapy Patient and What She Has to Say About 10-Pass Treatment

More Great News About 10 Pass Treatments at The Biosanctuary Over EBOO Ozone Therapy

Fast Before You 10 Pass!

Ozone uptake is increased when you alkalize and fast before getting a 10 pass or any ozone treatment. 

This client had a series of EBOO treatments at another clinic before coming to us and is emphatic about how much better the 10-pass is.  

Our research has conclusively shown that a three-day water fast before a 10-pass treatment is highly beneficial for a select group of patients. In addition, all patients must undergo alkalization using our specially formulated powders during the treatment cycle.

It is a well-established medical fact that alkalization can increase ozone uptake by up to 20%, leading to significantly more effective treatment outcomes. Therefore, we strongly recommend these measures be implemented in all treatment plans for optimal results.

Please click here to read more about the benefits of EBOO Treatment.  In some cases, it can be a better choice.  We have both machines and speak from client outcomes and personal experience. 

Explore a 7-Day Retreat at The Biosanctuary where we practice an award-winning integrated Biological & Energy Medicine Model.

Fast before you 10 Pass and go for the most ozone in a treatment! More ozone, more dead pathogens… 

Do the math!

In service we shine, Shine! 

Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC Medical Director  The Biosanctuary 


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