Ultimate Detox Therapy in Austin, TX



This Ultimate Detox Package is Offered Exclusively The Biosanctuary in Austin, TX
This Powerful Detoxification & Orthomolecular Bio/Neurochemical Rehabilitation Treatment Package Delivers Alternative Medicine Synergy & Efficacy at it's Best!
Experience the Ultimate Detox Package: A 10 Pass Ozone Therapy, HOCATT Sauna and a Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonic) Session all in Under 5 Hours is THE ULTIMATE DETOXIFICATION Package!

This Deep-Dive One-Day Detox Package Includes a 10 Pass Ozone Therapy, HOCATT Ozone Sauna and a Colon Hydrotherapy Session, all in under 5 hours!
The Deep-Dive Detox Integrated Alternative Medicine package is another revolutionary treatment experience we offer addressing the health risks of modern-day living and providing optimum medical efficacy for everything from the flu to cancer.
Book your Deep-Dive Detox
Deep-Dive Detox $1,150.00
10 Pass $900.00 per sessionÂ
The synergistic combination of 10 Pass Ozone Therapy and the HOCATT Ozone Sauna, followed by Colon Hydrotherapy, profoundly addresses all eight root causes of disease. Dramatically reduces oxidative stress, pathogens, Biotoxins, Inflammation / CIRS, and allergy symptoms, and boosts the immune system for up to 4.5 months while also reducing your biological age by eliminating the number one root cause of disease, oxidative stress.
To Understand the Full Value of this Detoxification, Remediation and Systemic Orthomolecular Bio/Neurochemical Rehabilitation Treatment Package, You Need to Understand the the Benefits of Each of the Treatments Separately and then Imagine the Combined Value When They are Working Together Concurrently Toward Elimination of Oxidative Stress, Bio & Environmental Toxins, Boosting the Immune, Clearing the Lymph, and Cytoplasmic Intracellular Plasma for Maximum Transmembrane Voltage - ATP Production = ENERGY!
The Benefits of Detox Therapy
in Austin, Texas
10 Pass Ozone Therapy is the absolute best IV Ozone Treatment available.  Many people are star-struck by the EBOO system because it is a dialysis method. Still, the medical efficacy of any ozone treatment is measured by the amount of ozone delivered into the blood. Below, you will find a scientific analysis that compares the two. We have both systems, and in some cases, the EBOO Ozone treatment is a preferred method depending on what is being treated, but in the majority of cases, the 10 Pass Ozone Therapy is the preferred one.
10 Pass Ozone Therapy has been a key contributor in millions of successful treatment cases of cancer, neurodegenerative, autoimmune, and cardiovascular disease, chronic and acute viral and bacterial infections, fibromyalgia, diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, Biotoxin Illness developed by mold, fungus, and yeast infections, liver disease, and can be a key treatment in the complete resolution of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. IV ozone treatment is even beneficial for many mental health issues because it cleans out the brain, improves circulation, improves oxygen, nutrients, and hydration, and improves neurochemical health.
The benefits of 10 Pass Ozone Therapy reach far and wide:
- 10 Pass Ozone Therapy immediatrly boosts the immune system, and the ozonides produced by the phospholipids, when exposed to ozone continue to strengthen the immune system for approximately 4 to 5 months.
- Ozone is an excellent first-strike treatment for flus, COVID, bacterial infections, wound healing, and brain fog
- Ozone kills all five pathogens:Â viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths (parasitic worms).
- Ozone kills mutated cells, such as cancerous ones, that have no defense against oxidation.
- Ozone at our clinic has been successful in eliminating Biotoxin Illness, which includes fungus, mold, and yeast infection, in 7 days. You can review a patient’s before-and-after lab results here.
- Ozone reduces inflammation and the pain that most often goes with it
- Being a biomedical fact that oxidative stress is the root cause of all disease (see the article on the 8 root causes of disease here), 10 Pass Ozone Therapy is a potent treatment for all diseases and metabolic disorders. Accompanied by adjuvant therapies that work synergistically with ozone treatment, a targeted treatment strategy can very often be 100% successful. Depending on the patient’s commitment to diet and other treatment strategies full recovery may be challenging, but in all cases a dramatic reduction in disease, metabolic disorders and pain can be achieved.
- Due to its primary strength in eliminating oxidative stress, ozone is the ideal treatment for longevity, as oxidative stress sets the biological clock for death and disease onset.
- Particularly, 10 Pass Ozone Therapy treatments are extremely effective in removing toxins from the intracellular fluids due to the hyperbaric pressure that drives the ozone deep into the cells.
- IV Ozone Therapy improves athletic performance because it frees up the energy that is exhausted, metabolizing toxins and detoxification improves cellular ATP production
The Benefits of HOCATT Ozone Sauna Therapy
Austin, Texas
The benefits of the HOCATT Sauna Therapy earns it the gold standard in any detoxification for health transformation program. HOCATT is an acronym for “Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy” it provides 9 treatments at once that work synergistically each improving on the other to achieve the best possible patient outcome from the total sum of treatments possible in 30 minutes!
- Steam Ozone Sauna Therapy
- PEMF (Pulse >Electromagnetic Field) Therapy
- Oxygen Therapy
- Ultrasonic Cavitation
- Far Infrared
- CO2 Therapy
- Microcurrent Therapy
- Whole Body Hyperthermia
- Photon Light Therapy

The HOCATT Ozone Sauna combines all the treatments listed above at once saving you time and money, more importantly though, you are receiving the immediate benefit of each therapy usually when needed the most
HOCATT Ozone Sauna Therapy is a perfect treatment for those interested in longevity because it’s your level of oxidative stress that determines how many years you have on the calendar
The health results from HOCATT Sauna Therapy sessions as a stand-alone treatment or as an adjuvant therapy to our treatment packages are profound in the recovery of health established from a detoxified body and mind!
- Eliminates biotoxins, parasites, fungus, mold, harmful bacteria, mucoid plaque and all other elements that collectively cause a toxic gut and colon which is a key contributor to all disease and the toxic systemic terrain causing the  lion share of daily life symptoms such as brain fog, low energy, insomnia, anxiety, depression, joint pain, etc. Â
- Dramatically reduces and / or eliminates inflammation
- Raises systemic transmembrane voltage creating more energy and a longer life!
- Improves oxygen uptake
- Increases hydrogen levels; it is the hydrogen proton that is released in the mitochondria that creates the burst of energy! The mitochondria requires hydrogen, oxygen and glucose. Everyone is hydrogen deficient today!
The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
Austin, Texas
A complete reset that is excellent for immune boosting, biotoxin clearance, longevity, energy and more!
The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy ( a colonic )
The ultimate colon hydrotherapy that can eliminate up to 10 pounds of toxic waste from the body in a few relaxing, gentle sessions, immediately providing immense improvement in your health and well-being.
What is Colon Hydrotherapy? ( a colonic )
Colon hydrotherapy is a safe and gentle procedure that provides the ultimate colon cleanse. It is also known as colon cleansing, detox or irrigation, a colonic, or intestinal cleanse. It is a safe and simple method that removes old petrified fecal matter, toxin buildup and accumulated mucoid plaque lining the walls of the large intestine. Further, removing this accumulated buildup immediately improves colon and other biological functions, enabling rapid healing throughout the body by dramatically reducing the oxidative stress that is pulled into the visceral cavity and distributed systemically throughout the body and brain 24/7.
How colon hydrotherapy works
Colon Hydrotherapy ( a colonic) is a procedure through which warm, filtered and pressure-regulated water is circulated into the large intestine via a tube / speculum that is gently inserted approx. 2 inches into the rectum. Further, this warm, filtered and irradiated clean water softens and removes impacted fecal matter, putrefied materials, mucoid plaque, retained gas and parasitic infestations. The average person may have up to 10 pounds of old un-eliminated waste in the large intestine. On the other hand, some people have 30 extra pounds of waste that can be removed through colonic irrigation.

Health Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy ( Colonics )
- Dramatically reduces internal toxicity, immediately improving all biologic functions
- Speeds up and eases the symptoms of physical detoxification
- Improves lymph system drainage thereby increasing immune function
- Rejuvenates the liver, improving its ability to flush and release waste matter
- Restores healthy peristaltic activity (the motor mechanical process of moving waste out of the body)
- Helps restore mental clarity
- Dramatically reduces oxidative stress throught the body and brain
- Removes Biotoxins such as mold, yeast and fungus
- Removes parasites - assisted by medication we use to paralyse them to pull them. off the walls
- Improves digestion by removing old fecal matter, toxins and undigested debri from the colon
- Reduces back pain
- Removes one of the 8 Root Causes of Disease - The the oxidative stress caused by over 1800 endotoxins created by Biotoxin Illness that cause a toxic colon that bleeds out into the body all day and night until it is cleaned and detoxified!
Conditions addressed by Colon Hydrotherapy ( Colonics )
- Allergies
- Appetite Loss
- Asthma
- Backache
- Bad Breath and Bad Body Odor
- Concentration Loss
- Depression
- Eczema
- Fatigue
- Food Cravings
- Headaches
- Hemorrhoids
- Indigestion
- Insomnia
- Irritability
- Memory Loss
- Menstrual Problems
- Nausea
- Nervousness
- Prostate Problems
- Stomach Pains and Swelling
- Tension
- Weight Problems
- Yeast Infections
The Biosanctuary also hosts a transformative 7-day holistic health retreat blending cutting-edge Alternative Integrated Biological Medicine for physical healing with diverse Energy Medicine healing disciplines to elevate, balance, and focus life force energy for optimum health and wellness!
This 7-day Optimal Health Regenerative Retreat Has Proven to Eliminate Mold, Biotoxin & CIRS Illness