
Man walks at Biosanctuary's treatment

Patient with Parkinson’s walks after treatment

A series of time-calculated ozone treatments, a Gut Microbiome rebuild, Specific Nutritional IVs for Neurodegenerative Disease, PEMF – Pulse Electromagnetic Therapy, Colonics, Frequency & Magnetic Therapies, and 10 Days of NAD wrapped in a very potent superfoods and organic nutritional support program fitted for rebuilding brain networks is responsible for this man’s radical transformation.  He […]

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NAD Therapy

The Benefits Of NAD

Why you need Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) Therapy NAD IV therapy stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide IV therapy. NAD is the chemical term for a molecule that reacts with oxygen in the mitochondria to make cellular energy.  The mitochondria is the energy producing “power plant” in every cell of your body and NAD is its

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Our team and clients at

What Makes The Biosanctuary Different

Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. ~ Medical Director, Biological Medicine Author The Silver Bullet Treatment Clinic is Silver Bullshit!  What Makes The Biosanctuary Different Is What Makes Us The Best Clinic For You! Part l of ll It’s Not Allopathic & It’s Not Naturopathic… It’s High Impact Biological Medicine Having never been in a hospital

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yoga at at the biosanctuary holistic health retreat

The 8 Root Causes of Disease

In Medicine, Follow God & Nature The 8 Root Causes of Disease & The Path Back to Health; The Divine Design Health, in its Truest Form, is Unobstructed Energy (Spirit) Traveling Through the Body Without Resistance & The Higher the Amplitude of Transmembrane Voltage, the Better! Click Here to  watch the video of the full

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bright and shiny diet at at the biosanctuary holistic health retreat

The Bright & Shiny Diet 

The Bright & Shiny Diet You Truly Are What You Eat and Better Off If You Only Eat and Drink What You Are – Light Your Food & Water Should Be the Bright & Shiny Object You Follow Diet! How Bright The Dance of Electrons from Cosmic to Blood Plasma Then Tissue Back & Forth

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aloe vera tonic at at the biosanctuary holistic health retreat

An Excellent Aloe Vera Tonic

Genita M. Mason Ecclesiastic LMP, H.H.C., N.C.,  American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA), American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB), plays Julia Child of Ecstatic Health for healing tonics she uses and is sharing at The Biosanctuary with Clients. An Excellent Aloe Vera Tonic, Especially During Fasting, To Help Clear Mold, Fungus, Yeast and Bacterial Dysbiosis in the Gut The

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