The Bright & Shiny Diet
You Truly Are What You Eat and Better Off If You Only Eat and Drink What You Are – Light
Your Food & Water Should Be the Bright & Shiny Object You Follow Diet!
How Bright The Dance of Electrons from Cosmic to Blood Plasma Then Tissue Back & Forth Determines How Good Your Food is for You!

DEIONIZATION = Cellular Repair and Replication IONIZATION = Cellular Degeneration = Physical Death
Antioxidants are molecules that contain an extra electron which can be donated to an unstable molecule missing an electron. However, unlike free radicals the molecule that donated the electron remains stable after it is removed. This process is called redox.
ROS (Radical Oxygen Species) are the free radicals that have had an electron stolen by a positively charged toxin and run around stealing electrons from your healthy cells, deionizing them, causing the level of oxidative stress that defines your current health, potential for disease, as well as longevity. The process of a molecule losing an electron is called oxidization.
ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is the score given for a fruit or vegetable’s redox capacity which is the food’s ability to neutralize Radical Oxygen Species (ROS) in you by donating electrons.
When you absorb plasma and food energy that comes from spirit, you convert it electrochemically to combine with your heart frequency, your cosmic “ip address” to fulfill the needs of your of your spacesuit which is really a dense matter frequency transformer to talk back to the universe hopefully with a clear transmitter and rejoin with celestial body of other “ip addresses” in the cosmic dance of other dimensions. Vitamins, minerals, EFAs, (all nutritional components of food) are just light bodies of different frequencies that will harmonically combine to make biochemical processes that fulfill the light – chemistry – light process. The goal of your food and water when consumed with reverence for the body is to harmonize with the earth’s frequencies while converting cosmic plasma to blood plasma back to cosmic plasma dialed to your ip address.
Your goal with food intake is to uptake a rainbow of light frequencies, and then convert and combine them back to the white light they came from. Various frequencies of light form crystalline structures in this dimension (process of ionization to deionization), in this case you, and the more stable (homeostasis) you can keep the process, the healthier you will be and the longer you will live. Oxidation causes rapid deionization which is a wasting state in the body such as when tissue of organs start disappearing (fragmenting) and rapid ionization is a depositing condition where organs will collect mineral deposits or create cancer.
Eating “high vibe” food and drinking water with the proper balance of electrolytes / minerals in it is how your photon sensitive cells will get all the frequencies of the rainbow to keep the crystal / hexagonal structures of your cells fed with and able to process light in a focused and efficient way. Your only job is to align your diet and water intake with the universal laws of light – chemistry – light or cosmic to blood plasma light frequency transfer that God & Nature so perfectly created for you so your cosmic consciousness and your astral / spirit energies could flow unobstructed through you and communicate with your environment and cosmos as a clear signal. It’s alike to a television transmitter, if the signal being fed to the transmitter is off its channel frequency that the viewer (your astral ip address) is dialed into, the signal will be fuzzy and transmitting a bunch of annoying static that obviously doesn’t convey the “show” very well. There is no healthy body there to see and in addition to that it won’t be in physically, mentally or emotionally responding to its collective environment very well. Your light body frequency has to be harmonic with earthly and cosmic frequencies for you to enjoy a vibrant, healthy life full of vitality, joy, enthusiasm, passion and feeling of universal love that comes with being in alignment with it. Love is everywhere – it’s the universes way of gluing everything together but if you’re not in harmoniously in alignment with its ip address, you’re not going to recognize its presence.
Light Up Your Life! With High Auric Foods & Water!
It is the ORAC value in fruits and vegetables that is the most important thing to consider when defining your diet and the fundamental requirement for a high ORAC value is the health of the environment in total it was grown in.
Unfortunately, even organic foods are grown in nutrient poor (especially minerals) soils that are only fertilized with a smidgen of those that are supposed to be there. This cannot be avoided in slave crops (monocropping) – the beginning of agriculture 10k years ago was the beginning of slavery and the event that defined those that left the garden to be slaves and those that now eat from the tree of knowledge (slaves feeding slaves), but that is an entirely different essay!
The ORAC content is what you see in Kirlian photos of fruits and vegetables, however, what the eye can see as truth means nothing to science because science that compartmentalizes things needs numbers. But trust your eyes, you can see the energy and the more energy, the better it is for you – light begets light!
The corona discharge captured in Kirlian photography is the electrochemical dance of ionizing and deionization through the organism. It is how you can visually identify the light value / chi content of food. You can see this phenomenon as the fractal / plasma energy coming off the electrochemical activity of the plant. To bring it home, it is the electron flow in your home wiring that turns your lights on in the house and it is the same flow of energy that turns and keeps you on! The cosmic plasma has been successfully delivered to you via electrochemical transfer which fuels that spacesuit of yours enabling your spirit to do the work of mindful ascension – should you choose! Your blood plasma being negatively charged (or should be at pH 7.365) donates to the positively charged cosmic plasma coming in from your gut unpacking the sunshine trapped in produce (digestion), as well as the sunshine, astral / cosmic plasma and geomagnetic frequencies around you (your skin is a transducer), creates the spacesuit and then the spacesuit has to ionize it back to energy to be fed to the cosmos where your spirit truly lives. If you were in a state of perfect ionization / deionization you would live forever, let’s give it a try by eating the purist light structures with the most diverse mineral and bacterial composition!
And the more power (glow) the better. All cells except for the heart that operates at about -120mv, run at -70mv. Multiply that by the the estimated 30 trillion cells in the average body and you require a lot of electrons! However, remember, it’s the electrons (light) you require, not the synthetic materials, toxins, and empty calories that not only are void of energy but steal it from you by the energy requirements to metabolize and get it out of you!
Another aspect of clean light – chemistry – light transfer to consider is that the bacterial and mineral profile of the light bodies you uptake should be from diverse sources to get all the structures required to be reassembled in the repair and replication of your space suit. You can see the diversity in the various colors on your plate. The healthy bacteria serve your light – chemistry – light transformer by absorbing nutrients, breaking down food and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.
Bacteria requires minerals in the right ionic difference of potential to transfer light – you have to have the right balance of positive and negatively charged ions at the two poles of cells to create and transfer light. Minerals are the little conduits that transfer energy throughout your body but their “difference of potential” is also important because the right difference of potential in frequency defines what the cell requires for survival and will “attract” that substance in the blood plasma. Receptors are not “lock and key” sort of units of energy that most textbooks use as an example of the process; they are a set of frequencies defined by the structures of the cell that are there to attract the harmonic frequencies of the materials they need. Cells have gates on them that will open when they require something. These gates are open and shut by electrical difference of potential (- and +) between the intra and extra cellular fluids. If you don’t have the right difference of potential in the electrical charges of your minerals, the gates won’t be opening and the cell won’t be able to repair or replicate anything!
In a perfect world, such as 250 million years ago, the amounts and types of minerals creating the difference of potential were entirely balanced and delivered by God & Nature’s water that grew the soil and the plants grown in it. This is why only Himalayan natural salt with its iodine intact made into brine to reconstitute clean, filtered water should be used. Any and all salt from today’s oceans is imbalanced and void of many of the minerals of yester-250 million years ago.
Also, since you need all the frequencies of the light spectrum to call yours a healthy diet feeding the full spectrum “you”, the amount and type of positive and negatively charged minerals that are in the plant not only defines its capacity to donate (transfer / light) electrons to oxidized (positively charged) atoms, the more diverse the minerals and bacteria (ancient and heirloom) the food is which is dependent on the health of the environment it is grown in, is key to a diverse microbiome with an army of healthy bacteria ready to create a ton of electron happy electricity and hydrogen to neutralize anything it doesn’t want in the body.
Rev. Genita M. Mason Ecclesiastic LMP, H.H.C., N.C., American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA), American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB)
Green Body & Mind Fractal Environmentalist