Reiki – Raise, Balance & Focus Energy

REIKI - Raise Balance & Focus Energy
Healing is About Realigning with the Divine Design - Reiki Masters Can Help with That
 Accomplishing these three pillars of health is the goal of Reiki
Reiki addresses disease and metabolic disorders by raising, balancing, and focusing energy. It is a combination of those three essentials for health when out of whack and, depending on how far, causes mental and physical disease.
Reiki Masters Raise, Balance, and Focus your energy because they are “dialed” into the “field” where we are all one and where disease does not exist. They can raise your Chi, focus, and balance it because they are connected and aligned to The Source Field and all Reiki healers that ever existed. So essentially, you are not just being treated by one person; you are being treated by all Reiki Masters and Source Energy. A Reiki Master hones his/her skill over the years and will become known by reputation – not degrees, which is how it should be!Â
How Reiki Raising, Balancing, and Focusing Energy Addresses the Cause of Disease
Everyone comes into life closely dialed into the spiral – pure source energy flowing perfectly in alignment with the Divine Design Source Energy.
However, through diet, irresponsible lifestyles, and drugs- including many drugs, legal and illegal, they lose their “chi” (energy), it’s balance, and focus. Even hate or certain attitudes toward others or life can take you out of alignment with Source, and this is how the disease starts. Incorrect thinking will lower your energy, throw you off balance, and demonstrate your lack of focus!
For Source Energy to travel through the body unobstructed, it must be at a healthy level to maintain the requirements for cells to function well (about -70mv for all cells but the heart, which requires -120mv), balanced, and focused to keep you “dialed” into Source and how it flows because the cells, organs, and tissues need to be aligned with the energy of the cosmos to be supported by Source. Where there is no Light, there is decomposition- Death of the physical- well, you are transmitting into another form of bacteria and cells, but the new you sure doesn’t get to enjoy food, sex, and music!Â
Your Reiki Master will read your imbalances, where there is low, unbalanced, and unfocused energy. Then, he/she, with their aligned and connected energy, will begin raising, balancing, and focusing your energy. The skill of a Reiki Master is their ability to see and feel yours and to maintain a lifestyle that keeps them a good channel for the Divine Design.
The Science of Reiki – Tech Talk
Scientifically, Reiki raising your energy increases your transmembrane voltage- as noted, cells need a certain amount of energy- both receiving it from the field and creating it- it is a fact that cancer starts at about -35mv. That is about the charge when they enter survival mode and create an enzyme to split glucose for energy becuase they don’t have enough oxygen, hydrogen, and glucose- that one is rare, right? ha! Probably why through evolution the body figured out how to create that specific enzyme! I LOVE the INTELLIGENCE of Nature!
Reiki balancing your energy opens your meridians (blocked energy channels) so that it gets where it needs to go and flows evenly. This ensures all tissues and organs get a healthy dose of their needs. Reiki focuses your energy by correcting the bioenergetic flow of energy, bringing it back into the sacred spiral / Golden Mean Ratio Source code. Â
For Source Energy to sustain life, it can’t just dance around all over all day, going where it wants to go! Every cell in your body is programmed to require energy to be delivered aligned with the Divine Source. Source Energy needs to go where it is required and in a harmonious way to balance the nervous system. Every living thing on earth is designed to flow in alignment with the Divine Structure that created them.
At The Biosanctuary, we are blessed with only the highest skilled and gifted Reiki Masters that can Raise, Balance, and Focus your energy! And even give you a glass of water afterwards!
You can read more about the many aspects of Reiki here
If you’re in the Austin area, Cynthia Ritchie (Â is a Shaman-level Reiki Master who offers a suite of services she can tailor to your needs.