Genita M. Mason

Genita M. Mason, Ecclesiastic LMP, H.H.C., N.C., American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA), American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) is a nutritional biochemist and licensed (ANMA) practitioner, specializing in Orthomolecular Neurochemical Rehabilitation (ONR) which aims to remove the fundamental cause of disease and metabolic disorders in the biochemistry and then introduce all the building blocks necessary to repair and rejuvenate the body awakening the physician and pharmacist within which creates and sustains a total healing event.

Spontaneous Micro-coagulation in Vaccinated Patients

Blood Clotting in Vaccinated Patients Blood clotting in vaccinated patients is a growing phenomenon COVID Vaccines cause excessive red blood cell death, compromising the blood and setting off the cytokine response to internal hemorrhaging Blood clotting in vaccinated patients began occurring shortly after COVID vaccines were introduced. The nanotechnology, graphene hydroxide (the world’s smallest razorblade), […]

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Biotoxin Treatment Day 2

Biotoxin CIRS Treatment Mold, Yeast, & Fungus Gone in 7 Days Follow a Patient in Our 7-Day Biotoxin CIRS Treatment Program On day two, Debbie shares her experience during day one of the BioClear Biotoxin Comprehensive mold, yeast, fungus and bacterial dysbiosis 7-day treatment program at The Biosanctuary. Biotoxic Illness contributes to a wide range

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BioSource Integrated Alternative Medicine

BioSource Integrated Alternative Medicine The BioSource Biological & Energy Medicine Model is Integrated Alternative Medicine at its Finest Achieve Superior Health Results at One of Our Integrated Alternative Medicine Health Optimization Retreat The Biosanctuary practices an award-winning Integrated Alternative Medicine medical model that blends the best of alternative medicine biological treatments with authentic Shaman level

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Root Cause of Biotoxin Illness

The Root Causes of Biotoxin Illness Curing the Root Cause of Biotoxin Illness Mold, Yeast, Fungus and Pathogen Overgrowth – Gone in 7 Days see video of before and after labs below for proof The root causes of Biotoxin Illness can be found in diet and damage to the microbiome from pesticides, dead foods, grains,

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Holistic Health Retreat Produces Superior Patient Outcomes

Holistic Health Retreat Achieves Superior Patient Outcomes The Biosanctuary Holistic Health Retreat Practices an Integrated Biological & Energy Medicine Model The most progressive treatments available delivered in a synergistic flow for 7 days is what produces the results that earn The Biosanctuary awards The Biosanctuary Holistic Health retreat practices an integrated biological and energy medicine

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The Best 10 Pass Ozone Treatment

The Best 10 Pass Ozone Treatments Ever Achieved The Best 10 Pass Ozone Treatment Medical Efficacy is Achieved After Water Fasting The Biosanctuary Holistic Health Retreat Consistently Delivers Superior Results Genita M. Mason shares how !0 Pass Ozone Treatments are done at The Biosanctuary Holistic Health Retreats to get superior blood cleansing results You will

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The BioSanctuary

The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Medical Model

The Mindful Ascension/Super Consciousness Tools and Treatments have been added in an optional addition week into The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Medical Model has  The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Integrated Biological & Energy Holistic Medicine Medical Model (The Biosanctuary’s Revolutionary Medical Model was developed over 17 years of clinical practice by medical maverick, Genita M. Mason LMP, HHP, NC –

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